Do you have access to data regarding failure mechanisms in the parts being considered and the results of the stress tests that were performed to qualify the parts? Do the results satisfy your mission requirements?
Understanding your parts’ failure mechanisms is crucial to the success of your
designs. Without this knowledge, you may inadvertently apply the part in a way for which it was not intended and incur the risk of anomalies or failure. This is especially important for new technology or for existing technology utilized in a new or different application for the first time. Search databases and academic literature for failure mechanism data and discussions, e.g., or
A few tests designed to demonstrate failure mechanisms are as follows. HTOL, high temperature operating life, is generally intended to surface diffusion mechanisms, metal migration and annealing processes. Electrical bias promotes several temperature-sensitive mechanisms that depend on electric fields or current. THB, temperature-humidity bias tests aim to accelerate galvanic and electrolytic corrosion and other chemical reactions, material delamination and charge separation of insulating surfaces. Temperature cycling thermally induces mechanical stress to precipitate failure due to material fatigue and workmanship. Vibration testing promotes fatigue failures.