How to ensure that your parts match the data sheet?

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  • PMPedia Admin
    2020-06-19 at 10:44 am #1392

    Many manufacturers’ data sheets state that specified parameters and performance are subject to change without notice. What measures do you have in place to ensure that what you procure today is identical to what you procure in the future?

1 Reply

    PMPedia Admin
    Posts: 29
    2020-06-19 at 10:44 am #1393

    Suggestions, Observations and Lessons Learned

    Creating your designs with performance margin or redundancy are two ways to
    mitigate the risk that undisclosed changes to parts produced at different times will not have a negative impact.

    Unless you procure parts to an SCD (specification control drawing), specify compliance with AEC standards, pay for a PPAP (production part approval process), acquire independent lab test service, test data yourself, or have a relationship with the supplier that includes such disclosure, there is no guarantee that parts procured today are identical to those procured in the future.