What are the mission’s radiation requirements?

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  • PMPedia Admin
    2020-06-19 at 10:12 am #1385

    What are the mission’s radiation requirements, if any, and have you reviewed test data that demonstrates the devices meet your mission’s requirements?

1 Reply

    PMPedia Admin
    Posts: 29
    2020-06-19 at 10:16 am #1386

    Suggestions, Observations and Lessons Learned

    To survive the space environments and to increase the system lifetime, the
    following five-step approach for parts selection will be useful:

    – Where possible, use Radiation Hard By Design (RHBD) parts for critical functions (e.g., processors and clocks). There are multiple components that have been tested or are designed for >100krad TID and single event immunity. See, for example, https://radcentral.jpl.nasa.gov/ or https://radhome.gsfc.nasa.gov/radhome/RadDataBase/RadDataBase.html

    – Select parts that have radiation test data available from either the manufacturer or third party independent test facilities. There are databases (see sites above) of COTS type parts that have been tested for radiation tolerance. Many of these parts exhibit tolerance to the radiation environment and could be used.

    – Select parts that have known space flight history (heritage). There are many parts that have been flown on other missions that may or may not have radiation test data available. These parts should be considered for use based on their flight heritage.

    – Select parts that belong to radiation tolerant families – CMOS components have been shown to have typical dose tolerances greater than 10krad. These parts should be considered when there is no other part available with a known history.

    – Spot Shield: Spot shielding specific parts can greatly increase total dose tolerance for parts that may show weak performance or do not have any test data available.